How to clean solar panels?

How to clean solar panels?

Knowing how to clean your solar panels is essential if you are concerned about maximising the lifetime of your PV system. However, if you don't have a clear idea of what to clean and how to clean it, you may not do it properly, which could cause you more problems.

So, in this post we show you how to clean your solar panels step by step, your photovoltaic system will thank you for it!

What happens if I don't clean the solar panels?

If you do not regularly clean your solar panels, you run a greater risk that your solar panels will produce less energy (as dust and other external agents can prevent them from capturing the ideal amount of sunlight), in addition to which the solar panels may be more susceptible to failure or scratches.

Do you want to delegate the cleaning of your solar panels? You can leave it to our team, at ICIDE we are specialists in repairing and cleaning solar panels in Murcia.

How often should solar panels be cleaned?

It is recommended that you clean your solar panels at least once a year.If your installation is located in an area with low pollution and a clean environment.

However, if your solar panels are in a very polluted, dusty or exposed to tree branches and other elements, it is a good idea to clean your solar panels 2 to 3 times a year..

What is a good material to clean solar panels with?

To clean the solar panels, simply use the following materials:

  • Demineralised or deionised water.
  • Dishwasher soap.
  • Soft sponge.
  • Squeegee.
  • Cotton cloth.

These materials should be more than enough to clean your solar panels. After all, this is not a drastic cleaning, but a simple procedure to keep your panels free of surface dirt.

It is crucial that you choose the right cleaning materials for your solar panels, if you make a mistake on this point you can completely ruin your installation. 

Avoid chemicals or any other material that is too abrasive, as this may damage your solar panels.

How can solar panels be cleaned?

To clean your solar panels, follow this step by step:

  1. Turn off the solar panels (and make sure there is no electricity in the PV system before you start cleaning them).
  2. Check the entire installation for other problems, such as scratches, broken glass, dented plates, etc.
  3. Once you have checked that everything is in order and that the panels are switched off, pour plenty of lukewarm water over them. Ideally, the water should be demineralised so that it does not leave any residue on the solar panels' crystals.
  4. Then gently wipe the panels with the sponge in zigzags, here you can use a little dishwashing soap (being careful not to generate too much foam) in case the panel is very dirty.
  5. Pour in more water to remove any residue.
  6. Remove the water with the squeegee, just as you would remove the window panes at home.
  7. Wipe off any remaining water with the cotton cloth. Be sure to use gentle movements so as not to scratch or damage the glass.

Is it better to hire a cleaning service for solar panels?

Although you can always clean your solar panels yourself, it is a procedure that you can delegate if you want a superior finish and do not want to take any risks with your solar panels. After all, you will always get better results from specialists in the field.

If you need help with the solar panel cleaning or repair in Murcia, Cartagena and AlicanteContact us and we will show you what we can do for your photovoltaic systems to keep them in optimal conditions.

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