Subsidies for renewables in irrigation communities Murcia 2020

Subsidies for energy efficiency and renewables in irrigation communities in Murcia 2020

In the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, has been published the ".Orden de 22 May 2020 de la Consejería de Agua, Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Medio Ambiente, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras de las ayudas para la mejora de eficiencia energética y generación de energía renovable en comunidades de regantes y comunidades generales de regantes, en el marco del Programa de Desarrollo Rural de la Región de Murcia 2014-2020.".

You can download the Order at the following link: DOWNLOAD LINK

What is the object?

  • To establish the regulatory bases for aid for the improvement of energy efficiency (including renewable energy generation) of existing infrastructures in irrigation communities and general irrigation communities in the Region of Murcia, provided for in the Rural Development Programme of the Region of Murcia for the period 2014-2020, measure 4.3.1 "Irrigation infrastructures".

What is the scope of application?

  • Communities of irrigators whose irrigation area is located mainly in the Region of Murcia for investments that are carried out entirely in the territory of the Region of Murcia and benefit irrigated areas in the same area.

Who are the beneficiaries?

  • Those irrigation communities attached to the basin organisation of the Demarcación Hidrográfica del Segura, whose irrigation area is mainly located (more than 50%) in the Region of Murcia.

What costs are eligible?

  • Investments for the generation of renewable energy (photovoltaic, hydro and wind), as a complement or replacement of the original energy used to supply the Community infrastructure, either in self-consumption installations with grid connection or in an isolated system.
  • Installation of energy recovery devices such as turbines, etc., which improve the energy efficiency of the original system.
  • All investments to improve the collective network or irrigation infrastructure that are strictly necessary to enable an increase in energy efficiency may also be eligible.
  • Value added tax (VAT) shall be considered as eligible expenditure, provided that the applicant proves that it is not recoverable.
  • The costs of technical assistance necessary for the drafting of the preliminary project, project, project management and health and safety coordination will also be eligible.
  • In addition, the cost of carrying out a diagnostic energy audit will be considered eligible up to a maximum amount to be determined according to the parameters indicated below, and which in any case may not exceed 40,000 euros excluding VAT.

What is the maximum amount of support per application?

  • An aid intensity of 30% is established on the eligible investment budget indicated in the previous article, up to a maximum aid amount of 300,000 euros per application.


  • The aid will be co-financed by the European Union, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), to the tune of 631.3 billion PT3T of eligible public expenditure, by the State, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, to the tune of 11.101 billion PT3T of eligible public expenditure, and by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Regional Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and the Environment, to the tune of 25.901 billion PT3T of eligible public expenditure.

What is the deadline for submitting applications?

  • The deadline for the submission of applications will be the one established in the corresponding call for applications.
  • Applications must be submitted electronically, using the standard form available at the electronic headquarters (
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