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Installers of solar panels in Murcia since 2012
Solar energy services in Murcia:
Thinking about installing solar panels in Murcia? Our beautiful land enjoys a exceptional climate with many hours of sunshine, is an ideal place for the installation of solar panels. More and more households and companies are opting for photovoltaic solar energy to save on their electricity bills and reduce their dependence on electricity suppliers, whose prices are becoming more and more expensive.
One of the best solar panels companies in Murcia is ICIDEwhich accompanies you through the entire installation process of the solar panels Murciafrom advice to installation and subsequent maintenance. On our website we tell you everything you need to know to install solar panels in Murcia.
As an industry-approved electrical installation company, we carry out industrial electrical installations for companies that are looking for an electrician in Murcia. An industrial electrical maintenance service specialising in companies seeking energy efficiency aids Murcia, reducing their consumption and optimising their energy costs.
We manage for you all the
For maximum savings in your installation
Find out how to save on your electricity bill and take care of the planet at the same time by installing solar panels in your home or business.
One of the best solar panels companies in Murcia - Los motivos:
More than 760 projects carried out accredit us as a reference point
The The Region of Murcia is the second autonomous community in Spain with the highest sun exposure index.2,000 kWh/m2 per year, and with a large number of hours of sunshine per year in Europe with almost 3,000 hours of sunshine to install solar panels Murcia.
Management of solar panel subsidies
We continue to work to provide sustainable and efficient solar energy solutions for homes and businesses.
The best brands of solar panels
We work with the best brands on the market to offer you quality products and a guarantee on each installation.
Maintenance of solar panels
Take advantage of our PREMIUM maintenance service so that you can enjoy the peace of mind of having worry-free solar energy.

Best solar inverter brand
Fronius - Victron
Best solar battery brand; ByD - Pylontech

Solar panel installation companies Murcia: What to consider?
The climate of the region of Murcia is characterised by its hot and humid summersThe solar panel installation in Murcia is an ideal solution for the installation of solar panels due to the partly cloudy and cold winters and the low rainfall, which makes the installation of solar panels in Murcia a very important issue. very interesting option to achieve energy independence. Thanks to the favourable climatic conditions and the geographical location, installing solar panels in Murcia allows you to generate a powerful solar energy production. Therefore, with a photovoltaic self-consumption installation in Murcia it is even possible to achieve total self-sufficiency in domestic and industrial consumption and, therefore, independence from the conventional electricity grid.

Solution to excess power: Company with photovoltaic roof and lithium batteries
Solution to excess power: Company with photovoltaic roof and lithium batteries Industrial hybrid self-consumption to solve the penalty for excess power with lithium batteries.

How much does it cost to install solar panels with batteries?
How much does it cost to install solar panels with batteries? If you have ever thought about installing solar panels with batteries and would like to know what the installation price is, please contact us.

Installation Kit solar panels kit isolated GEL batteries in Murcia
Victron Phoenix 24V inverter and GEL batteries in an off-grid photovoltaic installation In this case, our client asked us for an off-grid solar panel installation because he needs to feed some of his solar panels from the grid.

Which type of solar panel is most efficient?
What type of solar panel is most efficient? Not all solar panels are equally efficient, this is something that can vary depending on the manufacturer, the materials used and, above all, the type of solar panel used.

Solution to excess power: Company with photovoltaic roof and lithium batteries
Solution to excess power: Company with photovoltaic roof and lithium batteries Industrial hybrid self-consumption to solve the penalty for excess power with lithium batteries.

How much does it cost to install solar panels with batteries?
How much does it cost to install solar panels with batteries? If you have ever thought about installing solar panels with batteries and would like to know what the installation price is, please contact us.

Installation Kit solar panels kit isolated GEL batteries in Murcia
Victron Phoenix 24V inverter and GEL batteries in an off-grid photovoltaic installation In this case, our client asked us for an off-grid solar panel installation because he needs to feed some of his solar panels from the grid.

Which type of solar panel is most efficient?
What type of solar panel is most efficient? Not all solar panels are equally efficient, this is something that can vary depending on the manufacturer, the materials used and, above all, the type of solar panel used.
ICIDE Solar Energy Opinions
What do they say about us?
Pedro Galvez Calenco20 Abril 2023 Un trabajo muy bien ejecutado, pulcritud y profesionalidad, la instalación funciona al cien por cien y la aplicación de maravilla, muy satisfecho, gracias. Un saludo, Hugo Jordan Tortosa17 Abril 2023 Me parece un muy buen servicio Rocio Torres10 Abril 2023 Un equipo de 10. Instalaron en el plazo estimado, me han tramitado toda la documentación y me han resuelto las dudas que me han ido surgiendo además de asesorarme cada vez que lo necesitaba. Muy recomendables. Estamos muy contentos por el trato recibido. Muchas gracias 😀 Jose Giner Gracia29 Marzo 2023 Soy cliente de Holaluz, pedi 5 presupuestos, analice los materiales placas, inversor, etc. que ofertaban, incluidos los de mi suministrador, la mejor relacion calidad precio con diferencia fue Icide y ademas los que vieron in-situ la obra a efectuar, ya que algunos presupuestaron a ojo de buen cubero. Una vez efectuada la obra, su terminacion, calidad, ratifica mi eleccion, no creo que actualmente haya muchas empresas que puedan igualar la perfeccion del trabajo efectuado y si ademas se cuenta con un personal con la calidad, que conjuga un acabado perfecto. Era Jefe de Ingenieria de produccion, hoy dia jubilado, no dado a muchos halagos, pero se de que hablo. Gracias Maria del Mar Balanza Manzanares8 Marzo 2023 Muy profesionales, eficaces y transparentes. En diciembre nos interesamos en poner placas solares, fuimos a esta empresa recomendados y nos dieron presupuesto aprox. sin venir a casa ,a finales de enero nos dieron presupuesto definitivo tras visita por parte del ingeniero el cual estudió con un dron nuestro tejado, el 2 de febrero nos decidimos y a 7 de marzo ya estamos disfrutando de la instalación. Estamos muy contentos y agradecidos por el trato y el buen hacer, sin duda los recomendaría. Ellos se han encargado absolutamente de todo incluido permisos y solicitud de ayudas. Muchas gracias y felicidades por vuestro trabajo. Brigi Romero Medina3 Marzo 2023 Excelentes profesionales. Atención preventa y postventa excepcional. Trato cercano, amable y resolutivo. Muy satisfecha. Pedro San Fulgencio8 Febrero 2023 Muy recomendable por lo menos para tomar una decisión. Mi experiencia no ha podido ser mejor, aclaración de conceptos en cuanto al funcionamiento de una instalación fotovoltaica, cual sería la mejor solución para mis necesidades. La puntualidad, un trato correctísimo y siempre disponible a buscar la mejor solución, mi interlocutores han sido técnicos y non vendedores. Gracias a ICIDE Energía Solar podré tomar la decisión con criterio de invertir o non en una instalación fotovoltaica. Toni Alcer18 Enero 2023 José Jiménez Rodríguez18 Enero 2023 Es una empresa formal y cumplen con lo pactado. Llevo 2 meses con la instalación y todo bien. Estefania Sanchez Ingles17 Noviembre 2022 Excelente trato y servicio. Hemos instalado 5 paneles en nuestra vivienda y el autoconsumo en los primeros días esta llegando al 60%. Tuvimos que retrasar la instalación casi 2 meses por motivos familiares y fueron super comprensivos en todo momento. Respondieron a todas las demandas y consultas. Felicitaciones especiales al equipo instalador, por su trato y por la atención en los detalles de la estética de la instalación. SUPER RECOMENDADOSLa evaluación general en Google es 4.8 de 5, en base a 55 reseñas