
Subsidies Solar Panels Murcia 2024

Grants - Subsidies Solar Panels Murcia 2024

Última actualización: 26/07/2024 – Actualizadas subvenciones a placas solares en Murcia 2024 para particulares y empresas.

If you have ever thought about installing solar panels in Murcia and stop being dependent on electricity companies and their increasingly abusive conditions, there is no better time than this 2024. The advances that have been made in regulations to promote the use of renewable energies are now complemented by the publication of a series of grants for individuals and companies, with the aim of giving a boost to more sustainable solutions.

Follow us and we will explain what the calls for applications consist of, how you can apply for aid and how switching to photovoltaic energy can benefit you.

Is it profitable to install solar panels on my house and in my company?

An installation of solar panels is an investment that pays for itself in just over 7 years thanks to the energy savings from "free" electricity. Counting on the subsidies for the installation of solar panels in Murcia in 2024The time is even shorter. Being a beneficiary of one of the grants, which cover up to 40% of renewable energy installations, you could pay back the investment in just under 4 years.

It also pays off for the environment, because with a photovoltaic installation you will considerably reduce your carbon footprint and stop contributing to the emission of large quantities of pollutants. emissions generated by electricity utilities when producing electricity conventionally, by burning gas or coal.

What aid - subsidies are there for solar panels in Murcia in 2024?

On 30 June 2021, a Royal Decree was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). Decree 477/2021 of 29 JuneThe Commission approved the direct granting of aid to the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the implementation of various incentive programmes linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Murcia published last Friday 22 October the Order of the Consejería de Empresa, Empleo, Universidades y Portavocía, approving the call for subsidies for the implementation of various incentive programmes linked to self-consumption and storage using renewable energy sourcesand the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

This Order contains all the information about the subsidies, which we will explain throughout the article so that you don't miss anything.

These new grants are in addition to the existing ones:

  • You can tax deductible up to 10% of your installation on your next tax return, up to a maximum of €1000.
  • You can benefit from a IBI discount 50% for three years, although not all municipalities offer this, so you should check with your local council.

What are the aid programmes - subsidies for self-consumption available in Murcia in 2024?

The subsidies have been divided into various programmes so that everyone can benefit from them depending on their situation. There are programmes for companies, for the self-employed, for individuals, for communities of neighbours and even for public administrations.

  1. Programme 1Self-consumption and storage for service sector companies.
  2. Programme 2Self-consumption and storage for companies in other productive sectors, such as industry or agriculture.
  3. Programme 3Incorporation of storage in existing self-consumption installations in companies of any sector.
  4. Programme 4Self-consumption and storage for individuals, in the public sector and the third sector.
  5. Programme 5Incorporation of self-consumption storage for private individuals, the public sector and the third sector.
  6. Programme 6Climate control and domestic hot water from renewables in the residential sector, including public housing.

Read on to find out what you need to know to qualify for the programme that suits you best.

#Subsidies for solar panels for HOUSING 2024

#Subsidies for solar panels for 2024 COMPANIES

Ayudas - Subsidies for solar panels in HOUSES in Murcia 2024

What grants or subsidies can I apply for to install solar panels on my house in Murcia this year 2024?

If you want to install solar panels on your house, you can apply for subsidies under the MITECO's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. If you want to make a new installation, your programme is 4. to your photovoltaic system, then your programme is 5. If what you want is a thermal installation, then your programme is 6.

If I have already had the installation done, am I eligible for subsidies?

If you have had the installation done after 30 June, you can apply for the subsidies. It does not matter that Murcia has published its call for applications now because any particular installation that has been done after the publication of the Royal Decree 477/2021 is eligible.

Who can apply for grants - subsidies for solar panels on homes in Murcia 2024?

Any natural person who owns their own photovoltaic system. What does this mean? That the installation must be yours, regardless of how you have paid for it, whether in cash, in instalments or through financing.

This point is important because, if you have opted for leasing, you will not be eligible for this aid programme as the owner of the solar panels is the company to which you lease them. In this case, it would be the company that could apply for aid under programmes 1, 2 or 3.

Homeowners' associations are also eligible for programmes 4, 5 and 6 of these subsidies. In this case, it is important to know what is stated in the Horizontal property law as it imposes conditions that must be met:

  • That the cost of the installation, after deduction of the subsidy, does not exceed twelve ordinary monthly payments of common expenses. This is compulsory regardless of whether more money is needed and is set by those who have applied for it.
  • It will also be compulsory to carry out these works when the public aid for which the community is eligible covers 75% of the amount of the works.

When does the call for subsidies for solar panels in Murcia 2024 open? When does it close?

The deadline for applications opened on 3 November 2021.. From that moment onwards, applications can be submitted for the different aid programmes for individuals. Remember that applications can be submitted for new works or for works carried out after 30 June 2021.

These subsidies are valid until 31 December 2023. or until the funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.

What are the requirements to apply for the subsidies for solar panels in Murcia 2024?

These grants are designed to be truly accessible, so they do not have particularly restrictive requirements. However, you must meet certain minimum requirements:

For programmes 4, 5 and 6: Be the owner of the installation.

For programme 4solar panel installation and storage in homes:

  • Your self-consumption is equal to or greater than 80% of the energy produced by the installation.. This means that you do not feed more than 20% of the production into the grid as surplus.

Por programme 5, incorporation of storage in housing

  • Batteries must not be directly connected to the mains, but must be part of the photovoltaic installation.
  • Battery capacity cannot exceed twice the output of the solar panels.. That is, if your installation produces 4kW, you can only add up to 8kWh in batteries.
  • Batteries must have a minimum 5-year warranty.

What documentation do I have to present to apply for the grants - subsidies for solar panels in Murcia 2024?

The presentation of the documentation for the application for these subsidies must be done telematically. Knowing this, the general documentation to be submitted is as follows:

  • DNI of the owner of the installation or express consent for their personal identity data to be consulted by the investigating body by means of the Identity Data Verification System.
  • Budget for the installation of solar panels for which the subsidy is sought.
  • Declaration signed by the applicant that they are up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations.
  • Declaration signed by the applicant that he/she has not applied for or received any other aid for the same action or purpose.
  • Responsible declaration signed by the competent technician or the installation company indicating that the photovoltaic installation will produce more than 80% of the consumption in the dwelling.
  • Responsible statement indicating that the batteries, if any, will be disconnected from the electricity grid and will not store more than twice the installed power.

What is the size of the subsidies and what subsidy could I receive?

A total budget of 6.127.283€ for programme 4 for photovoltaic and storage installation support in housing. On the other hand, the following have been allocated 142,495 to programme 5 for the extension of batteries in existing renewable energy installations.

The aid is granted to the final recipient once compliance with the eligible action has been justified in due time and form, in accordance with the established requirements and conditions.

Each programme has a different allocation of funds. In the case of subsidies for solar panels on dwellings, these subsidies are established in modules depending on the installed power of the panels and the capacity of the installed batteries.

The aid is calculated according to this formula:

Subsidy = Installed capacity of panels + storage capacity of batteries + additional aid

You can consult the table below to find out what subsidy you could receive for your new installation, under programme 4:

ActionsModule [Aid (€/kWp)] Module [Aid (€/kWp)] Module [Aid (€/kWp)Module for the case of collective self-consumption [Aid (€/kWp)].
Self-consumption photovoltaic installation (P ≤ 10 kWp). 600 710
Photovoltaic self-consumption installation (10 kWp < P ≤ 100 kWp). 450535
Self-consumption photovoltaic installation (100 kWp < P ≤ 1,000 kWp).350420
Photovoltaic self-consumption installation (1,000 kWp < P ≤ 5,000 kWp).300355

In addition to these aids, there are also storage aids:

ActionsStorage module [Aid (€/kWh)].
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (P ≤ 10 kWh).490
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (10 kWh < P ≤ 100 kWh).350
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (100 kWh < P ≤ 5,000 kWh).245
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (5,000 kWh < P).140

And costs for additional actions can also be added:

ActionsModule [Help on further action (as appropriate)].
Canopy installation for solar photovoltaic projects120 €/kWp

The following table shows you what subsidy you could receive if you add storage to an existing installation under programme 5:

ActionsModule [Aid (€/kWh)] Module [Aid (€/kWh)] Module [Aid (€/kWh)
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (P ≤ 10 kWh).490
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (10 kWh < P ≤ 100 kWh).350
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (100 kWh < P ≤ 5,000 kWh).245
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector (5,000 kWh < P).140

Let's look at some practical examples:

Example 1: Programme 4. New solar panel installation without storage:
An installation with a peak panel power of 5kWp is budgeted. As this is an installation of less than 10kWp, it is entitled to a subsidy of €600 per module, i.e. €600 per kWp installed.
Total grant: €3000

Example 2: Programme 4. New solar panel installation with storage:
An installation with a peak power in panels of 5kWp and batteries of 5kWh capacity is budgeted. As it is an installation of less than 10kWp, it will receive an aid of 600€ for each kWp and an aid for the installation of batteries of 490€ for each kWh of storage.
Total grant: 3000 € + 2450 € = 5450 €.

Example 3: Programme 5. Adding batteries to an existing installation:
An installation with a battery storage capacity of 5kWh is budgeted. As this is an installation of less than 10kWh, it is eligible for aid of €490 per module, i.e. €490 per kWh.
Total grant: €2450

If you have more questions, check out our FAQ!

Can I apply if I finance my installation?

Yes, but only if you are the owner of the installation. If you have opted for the leasing formula, in which the ownership of the installation belongs to whoever finances it, then it is that company or bank that must apply for it.

Can a residents' association apply for subsidies?

Yes, but taking into account the Horizontal Property Law and its limitations.

I want an installation with batteries, what options do I have?

You can use programme 4 if it is a completely new installation or programme 5 if you want to add batteries to an existing installation.

What does my battery installation have to be like, and are there any limits?

The batteries must be part of the self-consumption photovoltaic installation, they must not exceed in storage twice the power installed in panels, they cannot be lead/acid and they must have a minimum guarantee of 5 years.

Can I apply for subsidies if my installation is isolated from the grid?

Yes, you are eligible for programmes 4 and 5.

Can I apply for aid if my installation has surplus compensation?

Yes, but bearing in mind that you will not be able to feed more than 20% of the annual energy produced by the panels into the grid.

Can I apply for subsidies to extend my solar panels installation?

Yes, the extension would count as a new installation, so you could only be subsidised for the power or storage extension, without taking into account what you already have installed.

Can I apply for grants for my second home?

Of course. The only thing you should bear in mind is that if your second home is in a different community from your own, you should apply for assistance in that community.

I don't know what my consumption is because I have just moved house. Can I apply for subsidies?

No problem. Whether your house is newly built or you have just moved in and you do not know what your consumption will be, you can apply for subsidies, although you will need a declaration of responsibility signed by a competent technician giving an estimate of what your consumption will be.

We hope we have solved all your doubts with this post, but if you still have any questions or would like more information, just get in touch with us so we can help you..

Subsidies for solar panels in COMPANIES in Murcia 2024

Solar panels - subsidies for renewables

What subsidies can I apply for to install solar panels in my company?

Installing solar panels in your company in Murcia this 2024 is easier than ever because you can take advantage of several of the photovoltaic subsidy programmes included in MITECO's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. If you are installing panels for the first time, you can apply for support under programme 1: self-consumption and storage in the service sector or programme 2: self-consumption and storage in other productive sectors, such as industry or the agricultural sector. If, on the other hand, you already have a photovoltaic installation and If you want to add batteries, you can apply for programme 3: incorporation of storage in existing self-consumption in economic sectors.

Who can apply for subsidies to install solar panels in companies in Murcia 2024?

Any undertaking whose economic activity falls within the groups G to S of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) is eligible for support under programmes 1, 2 and 3.

Companies in the agricultural or industrial sector that want to be eligible for support under programme 2 must be part of group 01 (except 017 - Hunting, trapping and related services) or B to F.

Although virtually all companies are eligible for aid there is a limitation depending on the sector in which they operate. You will not be eligible for subsidies if your company's economic activity falls within the groups:

  • Group A:
    • A017 (Hunting, trapping and related services).
    • A02 (Forestry and logging).
    • A03 (Fisheries and aquaculture).
  • Group TActivities of households as employers of domestic personnel; activities of households as producers of goods and services for own use.
  • Group UActivities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies.

When does the call for subsidies for solar panels in Murcia 2024 open? When does it close?

The deadline for applications is 3 November. From that moment onwards, applications can be submitted for the different aid programmes for companies. Remember that in the case of companies, all documentation (estimates, invoices, proof of payment, etc.) and the start of the work must be after 3 NovemberThe date of the opening of the call for applications in Murcia.

These grants are valid until 31 December 2023 or until the funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.

What requirements do I have to meet to apply for the grants?

These grants are designed to be truly accessible, so they do not have particularly restrictive requirements. However, you must meet certain minimum requirements:

For companies wishing to qualify for aid under incentive programmes 1, 2 and 3, the dates of any firm commitments for implementation, as well as contracts, invoices and proof of payment, must be after the date of registration of the application under the relevant call of the programme for which they are submitted

For programme 3, incorporation of storage in companies

  • Batteries must not be directly connected to the mains.The solar panels must be part of the photovoltaic system.
  • The capacity of the batteries cannot exceed twice the output of the solar panels. That is, if your installation produces 10kW, you can only add up to 20kWh in batteries.
  • Batteries must have a minimum 5-year warranty.

What documentation do I need to submit to apply for grants?

The presentation of the documentation for the application for these subsidies must be done telematically. Knowing this, the general documentation to be submitted is as follows:

  • DNI/NIF of the owner of the installation, of the person representing him or her, or express consent for their personal identity data to be consulted by the investigating body by means of the Identity Data Verification System.
  • Three quotations, from different companies, for the installation of solar panels for which you wish to receive the subsidy.
  • Declaration signed by the applicant or their representative that they are up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations.
  • Declaration signed by the applicant or his/her representative that he/she has not applied for or received any other aid for the same action or purpose.
  • Responsible declaration signed by the applicant or his representative accrediting his status as a small, medium or large enterprise.
  • Responsible statement indicating that the batteries, if any, will be disconnected from the electricity grid and will not store more than twice the installed power.

What is the size of the subsidies and what subsidy could I receive?

Each of the incentive programmes that you can apply to for the installation of solar panels in your company has been allocated a different budget:

To programme 1for the implementation of self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources, in the service sector, without storage, 2,426,552 has been allocated to it.. If storage is included, the budget is extended by a further €485,310.
For programme 2, implementation of self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources, in other productive sectors of the economy, without storage, 5,322,117 has been allocated. For storage, the following are available another €829,311.
Finally, to programme 3, incorporation of storage in self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources, already existing in the service sector and other productive sectors. 1,369,065 has been allocated.

The aid is granted to the final recipient once compliance with the eligible action has been justified in due time and form, in accordance with the established requirements and conditions.

Each programme has a different allocation of funds. In the case of subsidies for solar panels in companies, the intensity of this aid is measured in percentages that depend on the power installed in panels, the storage capacity of the batteries or the consideration of small, medium or large company.

For Programmes 1 and 2, the unit eligible cost of the generation facility, Csu, used to determine the eligible cost for each application, is calculated using the following formula:

Csu = Ceu - Cuf

Ceu: Eligible unit cost of the generation facility, in €/kW.
Cuf: Unit cost of the reference installation in €/kW.

To this unit eligible cost may be added the corresponding "Additional unit eligible cost", ASU.
The total eligible cost of the generation facility shall be:

Eligible cost = (Csu + Csau) x Ps

Where Ps is the real power of the generating installation in kWp.

The aid to be granted to the generation facility will be obtained by multiplying the total eligible cost of the generation facility by the aid percentage established for this action.

You can consult the table below to find out what subsidy you could receive for your new installation, within programmes 1 and 2:

ActionsUnit cost of the reference installation (Cuf) (€/kW)Maximum unit eligible cost (€/kW)% Large enterprise aid (applicable over eligible cost)% Aid to medium-sized enterprises (applicable over eligible costs)% Small enterprise aid (applicable on eligible cost)
Photovoltaic self-consumption installation (1,000 kWp < P ≤ 5,000 kWp).12046015 %25 %35 %
Photovoltaic self-consumption installation Power (100 kWp < P ≤ 1,000 kWp).-74915 %25 %35 %
Photovoltaic self-consumption installation (10 kWp < P ≤ 100 kWp).-91015 %25 %35 %
Self-consumption photovoltaic installation (P ≤10kWp).-1.18815 %25 %45 %
Wind power plant (500 kW < P ≤ 5,000 kW) for self-consumption.2581.07020 %30 %40 %
Wind power plant (20 kW < P ≤ 500 kW) for self-consumption.1293.07230 %40 %50 %
Wind power installation (P ≤ 20 kW) for self-consumption.864.72330 %40 %50 %

In the table below you will find the maximum eligible costs per unit that you can add to those included in the table above:

ActionsMaximum unit additional eligible cost (€/kW)
Asbestos removal on roofs for solar photovoltaic projects.P <= 100 kWp: 660 €/kWp
100 kWp < P <= 1.000 kWp: 450 €/kWp
1.000 kWp < P ≤ 5.000 kWp: 210 €/kWp
Installation of canopies for solar photovoltaic projects.500 €/kWp 

Lastly, the maximum unit eligible cost of the installations iss that include storage is:

ActionsMaximum unit eligible cost of the storage facility (€/kWh)% Large enterprise aid (applicable over eligible cost)% Aid to medium-sized enterprises (applicable over eligible costs)% Small enterprise aid (applicable on eligible cost)
Incorporation of storage in the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption (5,000 kWh < P ).20045 %55 %65 %
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption (100 kWh < P ≤ 5,000 kWh ).35045 %55 %65 %
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption (10 kWh < P ≤ 100 kWh).50045 %55 %65 %
Incorporation of storage into the renewable energy installation project for self-consumption (P ≤ 10 kWh).70045 %55 %65 %

The following table shows you what subsidy you could receive if you add storage to an existing installation under programme 3:

ActionsMaximum unit eligible cost of the storage facility (€/kWh)% Large enterprise aid (applicable over eligible cost)% Aid to medium-sized enterprises (applicable over eligible costs)% Small enterprise aid (applicable on eligible cost)
Incorporation of storage into existing renewable energy installations for self-consumption in the service sector and other productive sectors (5,000 kWh < P).20045 %55 %65 %
Incorporation of storage in existing renewable energy installations for self-consumption in the service sector and other productive sectors (100 kWh < P ≤ 5,000 kWh).35045 %55 %65 %
Incorporation of storage in existing renewable energy installations for self-consumption in the service sector and other productive sectors (10 kWh < P ≤ 100 kWh).50045 %55 %65 %
Incorporation of storage in existing renewable energy installations for self-consumption in the service sector and other productive sectors (P ≤ 10 kWh).70045 %55 %65 %

If you have more questions, check out our FAQ!

Is a company in the hotel and catering sector eligible for aid under RD 477/2021?

Yes, the activity of the hotel and catering sector is included in group I of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE). Therefore, they are eligible for incentive programmes 1 for self-consumption and 3 for storage.

Can a legal entity included in CNAE group u0022Bu0022 apply for support as final recipient of incentive scheme 2?

Yes, according to Article 11(4), a company or legal person belonging to group B of the CNAE could be eligible for aid under incentive scheme 2 (self-consumption with or without storage) and incentive scheme 3 (storage).

3.3.10 Can a privately owned charter school be eligible for aid?

A privately owned grant-aided school will be included in CNAE group P, so it will be eligible for incentive schemes 1 and 3.

If my company makes a major investment in renewables and the financial institution will be the owner of the investment for a period of more than 5 years, and the installation will subsequently be taken over by the company, who should apply for the aid?

If the financial institution will be the owner of the installation for 5 years or more, the financial institution must be the one to apply for support.
However, if the company is the owner, and has only received financing for the realisation of the installation, it could be the final recipient of the aid.

Programmes 1, 2 and 3 provide for different aid intensities depending on whether a company is small, medium-sized or large. On the basis of which regulation or definition is a company considered to be small, medium-sized or large?

The definition of a small, medium or large enterprise is contained in Annex I of the EU Regulation 651/2014 of 17 June 2014, which can be found here:

We hope we have solved all your doubts with this post, but if you still have any questions or would like more information about the subsidies for solar panels in Murcia 2024, just contact us so we can help you..

We can help youLet us advise you!

Dealing with administrations can be a long and cumbersome process. If you don't want to get lost in all the red tape, contact us and we'll take care of everything.

If you contract your installation with ICIDE, we will not only apply for the subsidies for you, but we will do so at no additional cost. And what's more, we will accompany you throughout the entire process. until resolution. However, we cannot guarantee that the resolution of the subsidy will be positive, as this is the responsibility of the public administration.

If you have any questions or a project that you think could be included in this call, do not hesitate to contact contact with us. Our team of professionals, con has extensive experience in the photovoltaic sector, They will be able to advise you on everything you need. Ask for a quote! We will be pleased to help you.

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