solar panels


Discover how to make the most of the sun's energy with solar panels and photovoltaic technology.

Installation of solar panels with batteries in Torrevieja Another example of work done: Having a photovoltaic installation with BYD HVS 2.56 kWh batteries adds a new dimension of savings and independence to your home. The batteries store the surplus energy generated during the day so that you can use the energy generated during the...

Solar Panels and Lead Batteries - Single Family Home Our client, in this case had a controlled energy consumption, but still wanted to reduce it to a minimum and decided to install in this case in 2014 an installation with solar batteries to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to...

Pergola with 12 solar panels + Fronius Primo 4.0 inverter in 4.8kWp house New installation in San Cayetano (San Javier) for a customer who wanted to install photovoltaic solar panels and did not have a roof with the right slope. Thanks to the fact that we are an official Fronius service, this inverter...

Virtual Battery for self-consumption; Revolutionising solar energy. What are Virtual Batteries for Self-consumption? Virtual batteries for self-consumption are digital systems that allow the storage of electrical energy in a virtual way. Unlike physical batteries, they do not require hardware installation in the home. They work by means of the management...

Installation of solar panels in Altorreal (Molina de Segura) There are many old houses that have three-phase electrical installations. When these houses were built, the electrical installations were prepared for high consumption appliances, such as air conditioning machines or swimming pool purifiers. Thanks to advances in...

Maintenance of solar panels in Los Alcázares Solar panel installations are designed to work outdoors, which means that they are particularly resistant to adverse weather conditions. In addition, their average life span is more than 25 years, which means they are robust and durable.....

Installation of self-consumption with surpluses in second homes. Isla Plana. It is becoming increasingly common to see self-consumption installations with surpluses in second homes. The way of understanding these installations is changing and they are no longer considered unprofitable investments as they were a few years ago. The lowering of the costs of...