Subsidies for energy rehabilitation of buildings.
We inform you that it has been published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) the "Royal Decree 691/2021, of 3 August, which regulates the subsidies to be granted for energy rehabilitation actions in existing buildings, in execution of the Energy Rehabilitation Programme for existing buildings in municipalities with demographic challenges (PREE 5000 Programme), included in the Regeneration and Demographic Challenge Programme of the Urban Rehabilitation and Regeneration Plan of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, as well as its direct concession to the autonomous communities.". In the following link you can consult the full text of this Resolution. DOWNLOAD LINK
What is the object?
- To regulate the extraordinary direct granting, for reasons of public, social and economic interest, of subsidies to the Autonomous Communities, as well as their distribution and delivery.
- The approval of the regulatory bases of the subsidies regulated by the same, to which the beneficiary Autonomous Communities will be subject with respect to the calls for aid and/or direct investments made by them.
- Implement the Energy Rehabilitation Programme for Existing Buildings in Demographically Challenged Municipalities (PREE 5000 Programme), included in the Regeneration and Demographic Challenge Programme of the Urban Rehabilitation and Regeneration Plan of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Financing and budgeting.
- The PREE 5000 incentive programme is endowed with an initial amount of 50,000,000 euros, originating in the IDAE budget, in accordance with the prior transfer of funds made to it by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, in accordance with the provisions of the General State Budget for the year 2021.
Direct beneficiaries
- The direct beneficiaries of the aid provided for in this Royal Decree will be the Autonomous Communities, which must allocate the amount of aid to the final recipients of the aid.
Obligations of the autonomous communities
- The calls for applications shall be issued by the CAACs within a maximum period of 3 months from the entry into force of this Royal Decree, without prejudice to the possibility of issuing new calls for applications at a later date, and shall be published in the National Subsidies Database and its extract in the corresponding official journal, establishing its validity in accordance with the provisions of article 4 of this Royal Decree.
Final recipients of aid
- The ultimate recipients of the aid provided for in this Royal Decree may be any of the persons listed below for each type of eligible action, provided that they are resident for tax purposes in Spain, in accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree and, where appropriate, with the provisions of the calls for applications made by the Autonomous Communities:
- Natural or legal persons of a private or public nature who are owners of existing buildings intended for any use.
- Communities of owners or groups of communities of owners of residential buildings for residential use.
- Owners who are grouped together as owners of buildings, who meet the requirements established in article 396 of the Civil Code and who have not granted the title deed of Horizontal Property.
- Operators, lessees or concessionaires of buildings, who can prove this status by means of a long-term contract in force with the owner,
- Energy service companies (ESCOs), or energy service providers as defined in Royal Decree 56/2016 of 12 February.
- Local authorities
- Renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities.
- Local councils, provincial councils or equivalent local bodies and associations or groupings of Spanish municipalities, island councils and councils, the administrations of the autonomous communities, and any public bodies and public law entities linked to or dependent on the aforementioned public administrations.
Duration of the programme.
- The PREE 5000 programme will be in force from the day following the publication of this Royal Decree in the Official State Gazette until the end of its term, which will be 31 December 2023, unless the available budget for the programme has been exhausted prior to this date, in accordance with the aid applications received.
- Procedures for the granting of subsidies to the autonomous communities.
- Following publication of this Royal Decree in the Official State Gazette, the IDAE will notify all the Autonomous Communities of the availability of the budget corresponding to the total amount of the subsidy, which will also be published on the Institute's website.
Eligible actions.
- In all grant applications, the actions for which support is requested will have to achieve and justify a reduction in non-renewable primary energy consumption of 30% compared to the baseline situation, which will be justified by the energy performance certificate of the existing building in its current state and the energy performance certificate of the building achieved after the renovation.
- The aid will be granted for actions on entire existing buildings in Spain:
- Single-family residential buildings;
- Buildings of collective residential housing typology;
- Buildings for any other use (administrative, health, educational, cultural, etc.).
- Eligible actions must fall into one or more of the following typologies and comply with the specific requirements set out for each of them in Annex IV:
- Improving the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope.
- Improvement of energy efficiency and use of renewable energies in thermal installations for heating, air conditioning, cooling, ventilation and domestic hot water.
- Improving the energy efficiency of lighting installations.
Compatibility of aid.
- The aid granted under this Royal Decree will be compatible with any other aid from other programmes or instruments of any public administration or public, national or international body or entity, particularly from the European Union.
Amount of aid to final recipients.
- The aid is in the form of a non-repayable grant, the purpose of which is, in any case, the fulfilment of the corresponding eligible actions.
- The intensity of the Basic Aid will be different if the actions are carried out under Option A and/or Option B as referred to in Article 17(4) and (5).

Source: Hazenergy