
Installation of solar panels in Alhama de Murcia

Expansion with Fronius GEN24 3.0 hybrid inverter in Alhama de Murcia

When your family or your consumption increases, it is time to expand your photovoltaic installation. Our customer from Alhama de Murcia asked us to extend his solar photovoltaic installation because he wanted to install batteries to be even more independent from the grid. His idea was to accumulate the surplus energy in lithium batteries for use at night, but the system he had was not producing enough energy.

Having an existing installation with a Fronius Primo grid-connected inverter, the best option to be able to add a good storage system was to expand with a Fronius Primo GEN24 3.0 hybrid inverter and five Jinko Solar Tiger 460Wp panels, to add a total power of 2300Wp to the existing installation.

What equipment do we install for this extension?

The first step for any expansion of a self-consumption system is to plan the equipment to be installed and make sure that it is compatible with the customer's existing equipment. Panels of similar power, voltage and characteristics, inverter that can work and communicate with the existing inverter, etc. For this client, we installed five 460Wp Jinko Solar Tiger panels, compatible with the ones he already had, for a total power of 2300Wp, more than enough to power the additional system he wanted to add to his installation.

Lithium battery ByD HVS 5,1kW/h

To store the energy, we installed ByD HVS batteries with a total storage capacity of 5.1 kWh. With these batteries, which will be charged throughout the day with surplus production from the solar panels, our customer will have enough stored energy to run, for example, his refrigerator, television and lighting throughout the night without having to rely on the electricity grid.

And the inverter? A Fronius GEN24 hybrid 3.0

The Fronius Primo GEN24 3.0 like the one we installed for our customer is the ideal hybrid inverter for the home. It is a single-phase unit that offers the user everything he needs thanks to its many integrated functions as standard.

The advantages of a GEN24 inverter include the energy management function, which can be configured to allocate more or less electricity to consumption, battery charging or charging an electric car, or its various connections, such as the standard integrated WLAN or Ethernet connection. Fronius hybrids also enable quick and easy integration of third-party components, such as B&D batteries.

In addition, they guarantee a constant and secure supply thanks to the PV Point option, an integrated socket that receives power from the panels in case of emergency, or the "Full Backup" function that manages energy from the batteries in the event of power outages.

Last but not least, we took the opportunity to refurbish the entire electrical installation to meet our company's quality standards. The existing wiring was replaced and the corresponding pipes and protections were added to prevent future accidents or damage to the installation.

Did you like our GEN24 3.0 hybrid inverter extension?

If you have in mind to make an extension to your installation like our client in Alhama, but you have doubts about how to do it, please contact us and we will be happy to guide you through the whole process.

If you already know that you want to install solar panels, ask us for a no-obligation quote! We are expert installers with years of experience and official service of trusted brands such as Fronius Victron.

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