

Discover how to make the most of the sun's energy with solar panels and photovoltaic technology.

Ayudas – Subvenciones Placas Solares Murcia 2024 Última actualización: 26/07/2024 – Actualizadas subvenciones a placas solares en Murcia 2024 para particulares y empresas. Si alguna vez te has planteado instalar placas solares en Murcia y dejar de depender de las eléctricas y sus condiciones cada vez más abusivas, no hay...

Are you considering installing solar panels on your home or business in Murcia? It's a great idea, after all, a photovoltaic system could help you cut your monthly electricity bills considerably. However, it can be difficult to find someone to install your solar panels with.

Have you ever wondered what is the ideal place to install the solar panels of your photovoltaic system? Although it may not seem like it, it is an important question because it will directly influence their efficiency. That is why, in this post we show you how to place your solar panels to get the most out of them. Thinking about...

Repairing your solar panels is not something you should do often, after all, solar panels have a very long lifetime (more than 20 years in many cases) and a good installation is meant to be durable. However, there are always unforeseen events that can cause problems with your...

Knowing how to clean your solar panels is essential if you are concerned about maximising the lifetime of your PV system. However, if you don't have a clear idea of what to clean and how to clean it, you may not do it properly, which could cause you more problems.

Buy Mastervolt in Cartagena, Tomas Maestre and Denia Do you like to set sail from the port of Cartagena on Friday afternoon to enjoy a great sailing weekend? Or do you prefer to take advantage of your summer holidays to spend a couple of weeks in La Manga with your sailboat? Buy Mastervolt...

Comparison of hybrid inverters; Victron - Fronius with lithium battery At the point where you have decided to install batteries in your solar panels installation, before making a purchase decision, it is advisable to make a comparison of the solutions offered by Fronius and Victron. Comparing three hybrid installations with...

How much does it cost to install solar panels in Murcia? Have you ever wondered how much does it cost to install solar panels in Murcia? Thanks to the fact that overall, the price of solar panels has decreased by more than 80% and the price of solar inverters in the same proportion in the last 10 years and...

Virtual Battery for self-consumption; Revolutionising solar energy. What are Virtual Batteries for Self-consumption? Virtual batteries for self-consumption are digital systems that allow the storage of electrical energy in a virtual way. Unlike physical batteries, they do not require hardware installation in the home. They work by means of the management...

The Government approves 1,320 million euros in subsidies for solar panels, batteries and renewable air conditioning. The programmes will have an initial budget of 660 million euros, which can be increased to 1,320 million euros as the autonomous communities exhaust their initial allocations The aid will be divided into six programmes that will be implemented by the...

2023 irpf deduction for solar panels of up to 1,000 euros for renewable energy installations in Murcia Murcia offers an irpf deduction for solar panels of up to 1,000 euros for renewable energy installations Taxpayers with habitual residence in the Region of Murcia have at their disposal in this year's edition of...

Subsidies for self-consumption, batteries, renewable air conditioning and energy rehabilitation for 2021 Energy Sector Conference The Vice-President presented a first package of up to 1.12 billion euros in subsidies for self-consumption installations (up to 900 million) and storage behind the meter with batteries (up to 220 million). The...

The Value Added Tax (VAT) paid on electricity goes from the general rate of 21% to the reduced rate of 10% Good news for all small consumers! The Government has just approved a reduction in the VAT on electricity until the end of the year, as an extraordinary measure with...

Launch date Fronius Primo GEN24 Plus Inverter You have been waiting for more than a year to know the launch date of Fronius Primo GEN24 single-phase inverters. You've read about them in news blogs. You've seen their advertising. Maybe even some of the training webinars from their manufacturer, Fronius. The inverters...

50% IBI rebate Cartagena (Murcia); Installation of solar panels for self-consumption. On the website of the town hall of Cartagena has been published in the following link all the information related to the IBI rebate in the region of Cartagena. In this article we will try to summarise the requirements and the...

Subsidies for energy rehabilitation of buildings. We inform you that the "Real Decreto 691/2021, de 3 de agosto, por el que se regulan las subvenciones a otorgar a actuaciones de rehabilitación energética en edificios existentes, en ejecución del Programa de rehabilitación energética para edificios existentes..." has been published in the BOE (Official State Gazette).

How to connect wifi from the router to the Huawei inverter in the Fusion Solar application from your Android device 1. Click on the name of the inverter: Note: You must disconnect from any wifi or mobile data connection you may have. 2. We....

New electricity tariffs 2021 How do the new timetables affect me? From today, 1st June, there will be three time slots and two powers Electricity tariffs will change on 1st June. From today, there will be three time slots and the possibility of contracting two power ratings. Of the three...

Energy efficiency and renewable energy subsidies in irrigation communities in Murcia 2020 The "Orden de 22 mayo de 2020 de la Consejería de Agua, Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Medio Ambiente, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras de la Consejería de Agua, Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Medio Ambiente, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras de la Consejería de...

Types of photovoltaic installations: off-grid and grid-connected. In today's article we are going to look at the different types of photovoltaic installations that exist and how they differ so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs and circumstances. It is important that you are aware of these differences...